28 Sept 2009

Premier League Quote of the Week

In a regular feature that, like all my "regular" features, will probably fizzle out after two or three posts, I present to you a genius quote from the past weekend's Premier League.

The following came from Mick McCarthy, manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers after his side's defeat at Sunderland:

"All of us thought that we could go on and win the game but unfortunately we lost it in the process."

This is a real quote, btw. Really.

25 Sept 2009

Dr. Strangelove Actually

Found this great site that has movie mash-up posters. Here're my favorites:

First, the best one:

This really is quite appropriate:

I love the quite subtle umbrella:

How much better would Empire have been had it been directed by Kubrick:

I'd love it if Jack Nance has been in Hairspray...:

...and finally, 'cause it's just funny:

There's more here