I bought a new laptop last weekend (my other one is on its last legs and I absolutely CANNOT be without a computer). I got what I think is a really good deal on an HP Pavilion laptop. For $579 (on sale from $779), it has a 15.4" widescreen display, 2 GB RAM, AMD Athlon dual-core processor, NVIDIA graphics card, 160 GB HD, built-in webcam (which we use a lot) and some other good features.
Now, I download a lot of movies, TV shows and other software and while I will continue to do most of my dowloading on my old laptop (because P2P sites are notorious for giving your PC viruses, trojans, worms, etc.), I also intend to transfer a lot of these files to my new laptop (so I can hook it up to my LCD TV to watch the things I've downloaded). It is thus that I wanted good protection software for my new laptop.
I usually just use the antivirus software the AF provides it members at no charge but I found that Symantec 10 won't work with Vista and that Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 (the new all bells and whistles security software) doesn't play well with WPA key encryption (the standard security encryption for wireless routers). So, in other words, I would have to (shock! horror!) actually BUY some internet security software!!
Your hero then found himself perusing the webternets in search of reviews/comparisons of the latest and greatest security software. My parameters included cost, ease-of-use, reputable maker and good reviews. As the title of this post suggests, the winner was Microsoft's relatively new Windows Live OneCare security software.
Knowing a little bit about security software myself from my IT days in the AF (and my managing of the Symantec servers for the base network), I can tell you that so far, I am very pleased with OneCare. All the bugs from versions 1.0 and 1.5 have been worked out (this is version 2.0). For $50, you get a year's subscription to OneCare with all the updates and patches for up to three computers. Needless to say, after installing it on my new laptop (which, by the way, was a breeze), I then installed it on my old laptop (which was running Symantec 10). It immediately picked-up and cleaned a couple of viruses.
Another great feature of this software was that it automatically setup my home network (something I had not yet gotten around to doing due to the fact that I HAVE NO TIME BECAUSE I'M ALWAYS FUCKING WORKING!!!!!). I can now dowload movies/shows on my old laptop and wirelessly (natch) transfer them to my new laptop ready to be watched on my TV. Result! I'm also impressed with the whole "Windows Live" thing. The mail, messenger, onecare, software interface is pretty cool and fun to use.
So if you're current security software subsricption is ready to run out or you're in the market for some new software, I recommend OneCare. The end.
From what I've seen around the MSft campus, OneCare is pretty cool. At home, I used to use FRED to check my machine, but have grown lazy and just stick to anti-virus and a firewall. I think I can get OneCare for free, so I should load it and see how it goes.
Yeah, I'm sure you know all about it. I've been using it a week, now and it's really good. I used Symantec (both in the AF and at home) for years. While I certainly can't complain about the protection (I downloaded numerous trojans/viruses and it always took care of them), it was a little complicated to use (especially when configuring open ports) and it used a shit-load of memory and processor speed. OneCare is sooo easy and user-friendly. Considering I was pissed off that I had to actually PAY for some software (I know. I have no right), I really do consider it $50 well spent. Shit, if you can get it for free, you should do it.
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