22 Feb 2008

Oscar Predictions

So here's how I'm gonna do this: Who I think WILL win, who I think SHOULD win and who I think definitely WON'T win.

WILL - No Country For Old Men
SHOULD - Atonement (though I would be happy for NCFOM, TWBB or Juno to also win)
WON'T - Michael Clayton

WILL - The Coen brothers (NCFOM)
SHOULD - The Coens
WON'T - Tony Gilroy (Michael Clayton)

WILL - Daniel Day-Lewis (TWBB) - No contest
SHOULD - Daniel Day-Lewis (TWBB) - No contest
WON'T - Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd)

WILL - Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose) - I think this will be one of the minor upsets of the night
SHOULD - Marion Cotillard
WON'T - Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) - she was great, but film widely derided

Supp. Actor
WILL - Javier Bardem (NCFOM)
SHOULD - Javier Bardem
WON'T - Tom Wilkinson (Michael Clayton)

Supp. Actress
WILL - Amy Ryan (Gone Baby Gone)
SHOULD - Amy Ryan
WON'T - Saoirse Ronan (Atonement) - though she was great, other perfs. in this category were simply better

Orig. Screenplay
WILL - Juno
WON'T - Ratatouille

Adap. Screenplay
WILL - Atonement
SHOULD - Atonement
WON'T - Away From Her

Animated feature
WILL - Ratatouille
SHOULD - The Simpsons Movie (but it's not even nominated!) - I haven't seen Surf's Up or Persepolis but from everything I've read, Persepolis probably deserves to win
WON'T - Surf's Up

It's the Coen brothers' year. I don't think there's gonna be one movie that sweeps the awards this year. I think the other categories will be split up evenly between a large array of different films. The only category I'm truly unsure of is adapted screenplay. This could go to NCFOM, TWBB or Atonement. I'm predicting Atonement due to the Academy's propensity to give a film with a lot of nominees - but none of the big wins - the screenplay award. We shall see...

Last year I got six out of nine correct. Can I do better this time?


Cam-Fu said...

But what about your prediction for the most important category of them all: Best Foreign Short Animated Film Supporting Actress Make-up Artist!?!?

Carlos said...

Cam, come on. Give me your predictions...whoever gets the most right is Queen of the Universe!

Cam-Fu said...

I posted my predictions a month ago.